Dan’s Issues
Every student in Las Vegas has the right to a safe and well-rounded education in our city. Elevating student scores is essential in preparing our youth for success in an increasingly competitive global landscape. School safety is paramount to protect the well-being of students, staff, and the entire educational community. This can be achieved through collaborative efforts between schools and law enforcement to create an environment where children can learn without fear.
When elected I am determined to bring TRADE SCHOOLS to our city. Trade schools will offer a viable path to well-paying and stable careers while diversifying the city’s reliance on the hospitality industry. A robust and skilled workforce will also make our city more attractive to businesses looking to expand or establish operations in our city.
Safety in our city is of the utmost importance, not only for our residents and visitors but also for our city’s continued growth and prosperity. Tackling crime in our city will require a collaborative effort between law enforcement agencies, community organizations, and local government.
A safe city fosters a stronger sense of community and a continued welcoming and secure place for all to enjoy. As your Mayor I also intend to crack down on traffic violations, we need to ensure that our traffic laws are obeyed and respected.
We can do more! As Mayor, I will work to foster economic growth not only to create employment opportunities but also tax revenue that will be reinvested in infrastructure, education, public services, and affordable housing for our community.
As a long-term and successful business owner I know how to prioritize practical solutions and make data-driven decisions ensuring that city projects and initiatives actually get accomplished.
With a rapidly growing population and a diverse workforce, the availability of affordable housing ensures that families and individuals can secure safe, stable homes without being burdened with excessive housing costs is important. I plan on focusing on affordable housing initiatives that will strengthen the fabric of our community, promoting social cohesion and ensuring that Las Vegas remains an inclusive and thriving city for all of our residents, regardless of their income levels.
In order to face the issue of Homelessness, we need to ensure that our citizens are being directed to the correct resources. I plan to work hand in hand with our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics to work with law enforcement in finding safer and more effective ways to address the mental health crisis, and with the use of technology and partnerships we can provide mental health and substance use treatment immediately with instant access to a mental health professional. We will have safer citizens and cleaner streets with this approach.