For Mayor of Las Vegas.
Veteran. Businessman. Family Man.
Education Matters
Every student in Las Vegas has the right to a safe and well-rounded education in our city. Elevating student scores is essential in preparing our youth for success in an increasingly competitive global landscape. [more]
Safety Matters
Safety in our city is of the utmost importance, not only for our residents and visitors but also for our city’s continued growth and prosperity. [more]
Economic Development Matters
We can do more! As Mayor, I will work to foster economic growth not only to create employment opportunities but also tax revenue that will be reinvested in infrastructure, education, public services, and affordable housing for our community. [more]
Housing Matters
With a rapidly growing population and a diverse workforce, the availability of affordable housing ensures that families and individuals can secure safe, stable homes without being burdened with excessive housing costs is important. [more]
Meet Dan
Dan’s comprehensive approach to leadership combines his military discipline, business acumen, and family-centered values. He envisions our city where every resident can prosper and find opportunities for a brighter future.
With his dedication to service and passion for progress, Dan Chapman is the leader our city needs to thrive.